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Why Women in Tech Should Consider Joining WIT

As a woman in tech, I’ve often found myself as the only female in most of my Computer Science classes in college, so it is no surprise that it’s a male-dominated field. This experience can be overwhelming, and the perspective through a woman’s eyes in this field can feel unique and challenging. We often strive for perfection, work harder, put in longer hours to prove ourselves, and deal with imposter syndrome that tends to linger longer.

If you’re like me, you might find yourself stuck in your head, second-guessing yourself at times. Joining a community like WIT can be incredibly empowering.

What is WIT?

WIT is a global organization dedicated to advancing women in technology. It provides resources, networking opportunities, and support to women at all stages of their tech careers. Through events, mentorship programs, and advocacy, and aims to create a more inclusive and diverse tech industry.

Why Join WIT?

Here’s why you should consider becoming a part of WIT:

A Sense of Support and Understanding

Before joining WIT, I often found myself in solitary, stuck in my head and feeling isolated. One of the most comforting aspects of WIT is the shared understanding among members. When I express my thoughts and feelings, I know I’m not alone—other women in the group get it. This sense of support is invaluable.

Open Communication and Advice

WIT is a space where you can speak freely and seek advice without fear of judgment. We’re often more talkative and willing to share our experiences and advice generously. Whether you need to be heard or want to bounce ideas off someone, WIT provides that safe space.

Encouragement and Growth

Since joining WIT last year, I’ve found a community that not only supports me but also pushes me to grow. This group of women has cheered me on to speak at events and start blogging. It’s women helping women, encouraging each other to reach new heights and realize their full potential.

Celebrating Wins Together

WIT is a community that celebrates each other’s achievements. Whether big or small, every win is acknowledged and celebrated, making the journey in tech feel less solitary and more joyful.

Building Friendships and Loving the Community

One of the most rewarding aspects of my experience with WIT has been the friendships I’ve made. The women I’ve met through WIT are not just colleagues but friends who understand and support each other. I’ve come to love and appreciate the camaraderie and genuine care within this community.

Reaching Your True Potential

With the support of these wonderful women, I’ve been able to reach my true potential. Their encouragement has been a driving force behind my growth and confidence in the tech field.

How to Join WIT

Joining Women in Tech is easy and opens up a world of support and opportunities. There are different ways to engage with WIT, depending on what you’re most comfortable with. Whether you prefer meeting monthly, having a channel to check in and chat, or just getting updates on LinkedIn, there’s a way for you to get involved.

  • Slack Channel: Join the WIT Slack community to connect with other women in tech, share experiences, and get advice. You can join here: WIT Slack Channel
  • Meetup: Participate in local and virtual meetups to network, attend workshops, and find mentorship opportunities. Check out the Meetup page here: WIT Meetup
  • LinkedIn: Follow WIT on LinkedIn for updates, articles, and event announcements. This is ideal if you prefer to keep up with the latest news and opportunities at your own pace. Stay informed here: WIT LinkedIn.
  • WITspiration: This unique program groups you with the same small group of women for a year, allowing you to build deep, meaningful relationships and support each other throughout your journey. I will admit this is my favorite one so far. All the information on how to sign up and participate is available here: WITspiration Details.


Joining WIT has been a transformative experience for me. It’s a community where you can find support, share experiences, seek advice, and be encouraged to grow and succeed. Plus, you’ll make amazing friends along the way who will cheer you on. If you’re a woman in tech, consider joining WIT. It might just be the support system you need to thrive.

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